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Василий Иванчук - финалист турнира в Леоне, Испания

2019-07-10 03:55 Василий Иванчук - финалист турнира в Леоне, Испания

Победителем стал иранец Парам Магсудлу, чемпион мира среди юношей 2018

Первый турнир "Magistral Ciudad León" был сыгран в 1988 году. Чемпионом стал чилийский гроссмейстер Хавьер Кампос.

Он вряд ли мог предположить, что турнир станет традиционным и будет продолжаться без перерыва 31 год. Список победителей теперь включает

Алексея Широва,

Веселина Топалова,

Гарри Каспарова,

Виши Ананда (девятикратный победитель),

Владимира Крамника,

Магнуса Карлсена,

Бориса Гулько,

Леонида Юдасина,

Александра Белявского,

Руслана Пономарева,

Аниша Гири,

Вей И,

Бориса Гельфанда,

Уэсли Со и т. д.

Еще в 2008 году первое место занял Василий Иванчук, который вернулся в Леон в качестве фаворита.

Леон, Испания

Дата проведения 5.07.2019 - 7.07.2019

Рапид, 4 участника, нокаут-система


Ivanchuk y Sarin abren el Magistral (Иванчук и Зарин открывают турнир "Magistral Ciudad León")

В.Иванчук (Украина) – 14-летний вундеркинд Нихал Сарин (Индия)

Nihal Sarin up against Vassily Ivanchuk at the Leon Masters 2019

Nihal Sarin against Vassily Ivanchuk at Leon Masters Rapid chess games

Ivanchuk, Vassily 2684 - Nihal Sarin 2610, Game 3, 1-0

XXXII Magistral Ciudad Leon 2019 2019.07.05

comments by Tanmay Srinath

  1. ♘f3 d5 2. d4 ♘f6 3. c4 e6 4. ♘c3 dxc4 5. ♕a4+ c6 6. ♕xc4 b5 7. ♕b3 ♘bd7 8. g3 ♗b7 9. ♗g2 a6 10. ♘e5 ♕c8 11. O-O c5 12. ♘xd7 ♕xd7 13. ♗xb7?!
  2. dxc5! ♗xg2 14. ♔xg2 ♗xc5 15. ♗g5⩲ 13... ♕xb7 14. dxc5 ♗xc5 15. ♗g5 O-O?! This move is the cause of Nihal's eventual defeat. There is nothing concretely wrong with it, but it allows White to enter a favourable version of Knight vs Bishop with the better pawn structure. 15... ♗e7! was fascinating, leading to a fierce struggle. 15... ♘d7!? was good as well.
  3. ♗xf6! Chucky has probably not seen the final outcome, but his experience and intuition guide him well. gxf6 17. ♖ad1 ♖fd8 18. ♖xd8+ ♖xd8 19. ♖d1 ♕b6 19... ♖c8! renders the kingside weakening irrelevant for now, and the Bishop remains the stronger minore piece in the middlegame.
  4. e3 f5 21. ♘e2 ♗e7 22. ♖xd8+ ♕xd8 23. ♕c2 ♗f6 24. b3 it is really instructive to see how the master player Ivanchuk improves his position. First he removes targets from the queenside. ♗e5 25. ♘c1!
  5. e4!? fxe4 26. ♕xe4 ♕d1+ 27. ♔g2 ♕d6 28. ♘c1 ♗c3 29. ♘d3⩲ is unpleasant for Black, but the reduction of one kingside pawn reduces White's winning chances a bit. 25... ♕d5 26. ♘d3 ♗d6 26... ♔g7 and White is hard pressed to find a move that makes progress. The best that he probably has is 27. h4 h6 28. ♔f1 ♗d6 29. ♔e2 but after e5! I don't see a way forward for White.
  6. h4 h5 Nihal's defense doesn't inspire confidence. 27... ♔g7 maintains a compact structure, and with it chances to fully equalise.
  7. ♔f1 ♔g7 29. ♔e2 e5 30. ♕c3 ♔h7 31. ♘e1 Chucky sees a weak square on g5, and tries to latch on to it. White has made considerable progress, and it is hard to see how Black can fully liquidate. f4? Just as I begin to think Black can try to hold this, Nihal starts commiting errors. His technical chess needs work! 32. ♕c2+! Leave it to Ivanchuk to find the best way forward. ♔g7 33. ♕f5 Notice how the White king is perfectly safe on e2? fxe3 34. fxe3 ♗b4 34... f6 seems like the best try initially, but White slowly invades after 35. ♕xh5 ♕e4 36. ♕f3 ♕b1 37. ♕b7+ ♔g6 38. ♕d5!± and Black is hard pressed to find a move that doesn't lose.
  8. ♘f3 f6? I think that Nihal must have been in severe time trouble by now. He misses his best chance to stay in the game. 35... ♕e6 36. ♕g5+ ♕g6 37. ♕xe5+ ♔g8 38. ♕g5!± and though White does eventually break through, Black has a lot more chances to hold here than in the game.
  9. g4! Chucky mounts an assault on the Black fortress, and it is soon over. ♕f7 37. gxh5 ♗e7 38. ♘h2 ♔h8 39. ♘g4 ♕d5 40. h6 ♕g2+ 41. ♘f2 The knight prevents any further checks, and White soon crashes through on the other end. ♕d5 42. h5 ♕c6 43. ♕g6 ♗f8 44. h7 ♕e6 45. ♘g4 and Nihal cut short the torture. A terrific game by Vassily Ivanchuk! 1-0


П.Магсудлу (Иран) – местная восходящая звезда Хайме Сантос Латаса (Испания)


П.Магсудлу – В.Иванчук









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