War in Ukraine. The new Ukrainian tank T-84 "Oplot" destroys the enemy in the Donbass

Ukrainian fighters showed a photo of one of the ten new Ukrainian T-84 "Oplot" tanks, which are now involved in the fight against the occupying army of the Russian Federation.

Tank T-84 "Oplot"

The photo shows a vehicle that is fighting these days in the hottest point of the war - in Donbass. Shot at an enemy.

T-84 "Oplot" - a tank developed by the Kharkov Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering named after A. A. Morozov based on the T-84 tank. The production of these combat vehicles began in 1999. Since then, 10 T-84 Oplot tanks have been produced, and all of them are currently involved in the front. The production cost of one such machine is $4 million.

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  • helphelp - Наставник
    29.05.2022 14:36
    Оплотів було 1 нової та 10 старої модифікації...
    А Булат - то танки на базі Т-64 - повна назва - Т-64БМ «Булат» - https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2-64%D0%91%D0%9C_%C2%AB%D0%91%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%C2%BB - їх лік в нашій армії йде на сотні... і це все ще було до Зеленського...
    • 4