Roman Zozulya: "Tymoschuk and Ordets do not deserve to call themselves Ukrainians and carry Ukrainian passports"

Former "Dynamo" striker Roman Zozulya expressed his opinion about Anatoly Tymoshchuk and Ivan Ordets.

Zozul's novel

"They chose their path. I don't even want to talk about them. I think that after our victory there is no way for them to return to Ukraine. They do not deserve to call themselves Ukrainians and carry a Ukrainian passport. Let them sit where they are now. Only God will punish them, or they will all die like the Russian people," Zozulya said.

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  • Андрей Лазко(andrei39) - Эксперт
    17.07.2022 18:53
    коли Україна переможе у цій війні, Українське грмадянство як і паспорт будуть серед більш бажаних.
    (тобто бажаючих його отримати буде надто багато)

    нам обов"язково треба вводити інститут негромадян як у Балтії, що б метальна бавовна більше ніколи не заважала країні.
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