Mikel Arteta: "Zinchenko is a high-class player who will give Arsenal variability and versatility"

The head coach of the London Arsenal, Mikel Arteta, commented on the transfer to his club of the now former Manchester City player, Ukrainian Oleksandr Zinchenko. Recall that this transfer was officially announced last Friday.

Mikel Arteta. Photo - Getty

“We are very happy that Alex has joined us. This is a player whom I personally know very well and have continued to follow after leaving the Manchester City coaching staff. (Arteta was the assistant mentor of the “townspeople” from 2016 to 2019, ed.).

Zinchenko is a high-class football player who will provide us with variability and versatility. It's not just about the positions he can play, but the versatility he'll give us both offensively and defensively. In addition, Alex is a person with excellent human qualities and character, and I am glad that everyone made a great effort to bring him to our club, ”Arteta said in a comment to the Arsenal press service.
