Sergei Rebrov: “Dnepr-1 does not need to talk about human qualities. Jovicic had the right to leave."

Al Ain head coach Serhiy Rebrov commented on the appointment of Igor Jovicevich as Shakhtar's coach.

Sergei Rebrov

“I know Igor very well. I consider him a very qualified coach. The coaching age is short. He understood this and consulted with his family.

How it all happened - I'm not particularly interested. This is a quality coach, he has the right to choose where he works. In connection with UEFA rules, he was not bound, he had the right to leave Dnipro-1. There is no need for Dnepr-1 to talk about some human qualities. "Dnepr-1" also did not always behave very correctly. I saw emissions, how everything happened every day.

He is a foreigner. He has the right to choose a place of work. I know him very well, he wanted to work with a team that has a chance to play in the Champions League. This is a step forward for him. As I treated him well, so I treat him now, ”said Rebrov.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    28.07.2022 18:34
    Серёга, не чуди! Причём здесь, как Днепр-1 вёл себя раньше? Мы обсуждаем конкретный эпизод с конкретными фигурантами! Да, де-юре, он имел право так поступить, но мы же обсуждаем ещё и неформальную сторону события! Вот просто: нахрена петлял, нахрена манипулировал, нахрена звездел!?!?! Лично у меня не было ни одной нотки возмущения, если бы он просто молчал, а потом просто всплыл в шахте...
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