Vice-President of Kryvbas Kryvbas Artem Gagarin commented on the results of yesterday's meeting of UPL clubs on the topic of a single telepool. Recall that representatives of the clubs discussed the proposal of the broadcaster Setanta Sports, but could not come to a consensus (one club was against - Rukh, three abstained - Dynamo, Dnepr-1, Zorya).
- First of all, what is the position of Kryvbas in the dispute about a single telepool?
- We are completely for the telepool. Now this is another moment that should unite the country, if not now, then when? There is an opportunity for the first time in history to make a telepool. This is very difficult, we all understand the risks that a channel that will work on broadcasting takes, this is a war.
If we decide to hold a championship, then we must unite in the smallest details. At first glance, this is such a trifle, but on the other hand, this is a big step forward.
The position of our club will be a historic decision, both a championship during the war and a single telepool, that in such conditions people managed to unite.
The UPL did a lot of work in this regard, and everyone who worked on it overcame many difficulties and nuances and received an offer.
- How would you rate the options provided by the TV channels?
- I think that the proposal that we have now is the best option for the current realities. The fee for the telepool will increase every year, and this is normal.
You need to start somewhere, and I think that over time we will be able, like the Poles, to reach some numbers.
But this will happen when the war ends, when everything calms down, and only then it will be possible to talk about some kind of income from this. And in the current conditions, we believe that there can be no other way.
- Was there one offer or several?
— There were several of them.
- The presidents of Ingulets and Rukh have publicly stated that they are against a single telepool, did these clubs vote like that?
- I don't know, I won't comment. I will only say one thing, during the meeting, representatives of Rukh said: "Our specialists have calculated everything, and we can independently reach the same amount that the representative who offered the best conditions offers us." I don't understand what is the point of Kozlovsky's statement if it's the same amount.
He said that this is a very small amount, and they can independently reach it. Something doesn’t agree with me either in the statement of the president of Rukh, or in the position of the representatives of this club who were at the meeting. For some reason, Kozlovsky himself did not join us, it would be interesting.
I was also very interested, but I did not receive an answer to this question - what nationwide channels that he was talking about? Where will they get all the equipment? I don't understand this situation.
- How do you think, how will this situation be resolved, will it be possible to make a single telepool?
— I hope that common sense will win over fantasies and some, perhaps, emotional statements that look more populist than real.
Andrey Shevchenko
І те ,що ці канали, давали фінансово для клубів, більшість з них не задовольняло ні клуби, ні керівництво цих клубів!
Після того, коли ці єдинопулівські канали футболи321, пішли у "простір" - то потрібно вести перемовини з компаніями, які хочуть зробити єдиний пул, скільки заплатять клубам, які у них гарантії на показ ігор цих клубів.
Я не здивувався, що деякі клуби, як і раніше, виступили проти такого єдиного пулу.
Значить, їх щось не задовольняє, та є якісь питання.
Але про це нам невідомо.
Можу здогадуватися, що цим клубам хтось пообіцяв більше фінансів за показ ігор, ніж було обіцяно від компанії, яка хоче перемогти за єдиний пул.
Але ми цього не знаємо!
Все знову робиться "натихаря", як в АФУ, та ПФЛ.
А виступ цього віце-президента "Кривбас" Гагаріна, це тільки підтверджує - хтось повинен начинати співати "серенаду" за підтримку компанії з єдиного пулу, яка задовольняє УАФ,та ПФЛ!
Але він замовчує, чому інші клуби, цю ініціативу не підтримують!
А вступати в "колхоз" на не вигодних умовах, коли відійшли у вічність ахметовські футболи, ніхто не буде!
Зрозумійте, нарешті це,і УАФ,ПФЛ, та їх пособники, в особі віце-президента Кривбасу!