Former defender of Karpaty Igor Oshchipko commented on his period of stay in the Austrian Sturm.
“I didn’t play much, but the fans recognized me on the streets, they came up to take a photo or just talk. It doesn't matter if you go out in matches or not. They follow all the players and know everyone.
I was in Sturm for half a year, but when I left the team, they arranged a beautiful farewell - the president came out, presented a T-shirt, the whole stadium applauded, and my photo was shown on the scoreboard. It was very nice. With us, you play for 10 years in a team, and you go with a scandal.
I have pleasant memories of Sturm, but I will cheer for the people of Kiev. And I would like to wish Graz all the best in the Austrian championship. But let them no longer fall into European competitions for Ukrainian teams, because I will always root for ours, ”said Oshchipko.
Я ж не навів приклад тих, хто в Динамо був півроку.
небайдужі (чи його друзі) зробили за свій кошт баннер і передали його в фан-сектор, там розгорнули МАХ-16...
ніхто, навіть диктор на стадіоні (це було на Динамо) Макса не згадав словом...