Head of the UAF Referees Committee Luciano Luci commented on the decision to resume football competitions in Ukraine

The head of the UAF refereeing committee, Luciano Luci, supported the decision to resume football competitions in Ukraine.

Luciano Rays

“I was pleasantly surprised by the physical preparation of the referees and assistant referees, because the last time I saw them during the tests back in January. Despite the forced pause of many months, the officials of the match showed an excellent level.

I am sure that they will have maximum motivation for this season, since holding the Ukrainian Championship in such a difficult situation is a big challenge.

My compliments to both UAF President Andriy Pavelko and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky for the decision to continue playing football. Football is part of the life of the whole society, and even in the conditions of war, people would miss it, ”said Luchi.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    17.08.2022 17:04

    "Мои комплименты как президенту УАФ Андрею Павелко..."-который платит мне зарплату, несмотря на то что я с января хером груши околачиваю.
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