UEFA coefficient table. Hopes are multiplied by zero

Ukraine this season has already taken the maximum of what is possible in a week - now it will have to go through the minimum of what is possible. Zero is zero everywhere, but in the Odds Table it is also an almost 100% guarantee of "going negative" in relation to competitors.

At least, it was impossible to count on the loss of all points by all our rivals. Croatia got nothing - at least some consolation. Greece was satisfied with a crumb (a draw by Olympiacos - 0.125 points) - not critical. Serbia snatched off fifty percent. In our position, 0.25 points is significant for a competitor. Significantly and in Norway: 0.5 out of 0.75 possible. However, our main concern is not those who are in front, but those who are behind.

Only the veiled failure of the Swiss helped us keep the fourteenth line by the end of the week. Veiled because Zurich won, but Basel and Young Boys lost. This is how this country found itself on the verge of entering autumn with only one representative.

However, it is summer now and there is very powerful pressure from the Swiss. They are 0.025 points behind, leaving us practically no chance in the context of the last week of qualifying. Davit also Czech Republic. The Poles should be thanked for the defeat of Slavia, but Viktoria and Slovacko did not follow the path of losers. A draw and a victory brought the country 0.375 points, which helped to bypass Greece. Ukraine is also close. Bonus from "Victoria" - and we are already behind.

Denmark enriched itself this week with the victory of Copenhagen (+0.2), but went to zero in lower-rank tournaments.

The week was not easy, but it will be even more difficult. So either temper the character, or give up without a fight.


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  • Сергей Герасимов(vvs70) - Наставник
    19.08.2022 11:40
    Ми звикли до ЛЧ і виступали там доволі добре. Але останні роки і тим більше зараз наш рівень суттєво впав і продовжує падати. Практично всі українські гравці нижче середнього рівня. Тому не потрібно робити трагедії, просто вболівати за команди, хоч такою грою радіти не приходиться. Як мені, 52-річному можна дивитися на цю біганину по полю, коли я бачив побитих грандів, причому не випадково, а за рахунок майстерності і командної гри. Але такі часи, у нас зараз набагато більше проблем з придурковатим сусідом, ніж з футболом
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