Former Chilean Playboy model Daniella Chavez is set to acquire the O'Higgins Football Club. The owners of this club from the city of Rancagua are ready to part with him for 20 million euros, but the current president of the Chilean club, Ricardo Abumooru, does not like the idea of him selling the model and he does not want to negotiate with it.

Chavez, in turn, accused Abumoor of discrimination through social networks, saying that he did not want to start negotiations because of her gender and filming in Playboy.
“Abumoor said the club was up for sale and he would like the O’Higgins to remain in the hands of people from the region. He announced his readiness to sell the team, but now when I want to buy him, they tell me that they will not negotiate. This is because I am confident in the ability to give this club more than Abumoor and his family. It's because I represent this region, and I'm a real O'Higgins fan, and they're not.
He is more concerned that the girl wants to buy his team. He puts it up for sale, but discriminates against buyers. But I can really collect the money I need. This is a real shame! The Abumoor family is discriminating against me by blocking the opportunity for me to buy it. They are only doing this because I am a woman who worked at Playboy,” Chavez said.
At the end of July, Chavez had raised about 5 million euros by selling erotic content on Onlyfans.