The flag of Ukraine, with which Migal danced the hopak during the USSR-GDR match at the 1976 Olympics, was raised before the ope

The flag of Ukraine, with which Daniil Migal danced the hopak during the match between the national teams of the USSR and the GDR at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, was raised before the start of the match between Shakhtar and Metalist 1925. This fight opened the new season of the Ukrainian championship.

Taras Stepanenko and Artem Gabelok

Recall that in the match between the USSR and the GDR, which was held in 1976 at the Olympics in Montreal, in the second half, Migal from Thunder Bay (Canada) ran onto the field in an embroidered shirt and with the flag of Ukraine, shouting the words "Freedom to Ukraine!" and dancing hopak.

The flag was raised before the match of the 1st round of the UPL by the captains of Shakhtar and Metalist 1925 - Taras Stepanenko and Artem Gabelok.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    23.08.2022 15:10
    "шахтер"-"Металлист 1925" 0:0, "шахтер": - 2 или + 1?
    • 2