Yuriy Vernydub started his return to the Ukrainian Premier League with a 0:1 defeat of Kolos. However, it was the Kryvbasa coach who became the most visible person in the stadium.
Here are just a few quotes:
“What the hell do you want, the hell is that? We will play here five times (further inaudible)."
"You don't have to do those diagonals, Wan!"
"Boys f##t, they have three corners - three shots!"
But there were much more fights with the referees, especially in the second half. Vernydub reacted too violently to every recording of violations by Kryvbas and non-recording of violations by Kolos. There were even phrases like "F####ts, let's play!"
In the 62nd minute, the head referee Yuriy Ivanov even came to calm the coach down a bit. That didn't help. A little more than a minute later, Vernydub reacted too violently to Yevgeny Banadi's yellow card.
For these emotions, Vernydub receives a yellow card and a request to behave more correctly, to which he reacts even more violently:
"You be the correct judge! Fairness is off the charts from you, and so are you (to the linesman - ed.) Get the hell out, don't stand here. Everyone, get out of my zone, I don't want you standing in my zone."
Passions subsided until the 80th minute, when a Kolos player hit Ivan Zotka in the face with a ball. Vernydub decided that Zotko was hit in the face with a hand, and decided to ask the referees about it: "And the hand was not hit in the face? You are standing next to me! Nothing, there was no mah? Wasn't there a wave right now?"
The linesman called Ivanov to remove the "Kryvbas" coach. The reaction did not wait: “Well, what do you want to say to him? Did I tell you something? Why are you calling him? (further to the head referee) What the hell are you doing? What are you doing?". The apogee of the episode was an attempt on a linesman with the words "I'm going to fuck you, n###y."
The expulsion, by the way, turned out purely in UPL style: Vernydub took five steps and stood between the field and the corridor under the stands, from where he even sometimes gave instructions to the players. Talk about respecting the basic rules of football, huh.
From there, he gave a lecture about the level of refereeing in the UPL - either to the linesman, or to Vyshnyak, or to himself. They chose the moments that were good to hear - after all, even in the broadcast without a commentator, the speech was sometimes interrupted by other sounds.
"I'll tell you later, b###." With you, judges, everything was as it was in Ukraine, so it remained, corrupt, b###.
...Show at least one person who screamed, b###? Where? You have a bull there, this one screams like it's not cut. You're used to being helped all the time, b###. Live it up, b###h. Work with the judges even better. All life, b###.
...How many can you, b###? Everything continues, everything that was. that's what football is all about.
...I tell him, it means that in the face, in the jaw... you can't, and he says, get rid of it. A dude came running, the second yellow. Why should I?".
, типа дорожка "зеленая"...
А тут судья, ...ля.... , итальягский плохо понимать, "установку на игру" не до конца понял, плохо слышно из самой Италии было.
А Вернидуб мужик справедливый, базар был -был, идем по "зеленой" дорожке... c "FUN"ами к победе. А тут судейка , вот он и завелся. Остынет поймет шо не потой "дорожке" пошел... найдет нормальную "команду" .
Все буде Добре!
Слава Україні!
З першим роком здобуття незворотньої Незалежності!
Но из твоей малявы,понял только последние три абзаца!
А всё остальное - по "фене"?
Мог бы и покороче написать - "бля вобше и никаких гвоздей"!
Вернидуба уважаю , НО его поведение на игре , постоянные наезды на судей считаю неприемлимыми !
Особенно после того , когда ему уже была показана первая желтая карточка.
Даже после после удаления он не ушел в раздевалку , а руководил игрой с туннеля под навесом. Вот это считаю Серьезным нарушением правил!!
Игра равная и не в судействе проблема.
Команда Вернидуба не сыгранна и когда покажет нормальную игру - вопрос ?
С другой стороны , не справляешся с эмоциями - меняй работу!!
Удачи всем участникам чемпионата и спокойствия с терпением!
Вернидуб знает как расслабится и сбросить напряжение (САУ огнем по свинособакам самое то ) !!!!!
Слава УКРАЇНІ !!
Смерть ворогам !!!!
Удаление, к слову, получилось сугубо в стиле УПЛ: Вернидуб прошел пять шагов и стал между полем и подтрибунным коридором, откуда даже иногда давал указания игрокам. Расскажите об уважении к базовым правилам футбола, ага.
Вот эта часть мне непонятна. То ли автор хочет показать свое отношение к ситуации. То ли это заказная статья.
Пишіть далі, пІсатєль
але Вибач помилочка в тебе, українською гарніше ... пі-сца-тєль
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но это какой-то быдло-трындец.
всетаки не на базаре....
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена