Ivan Pirozhenko: “The couple is not so much getting better as swelling. Either from stress at Dynamo, or for another reason.

The well-known football agent Ivan Pirozhenko, who represents the interests of Dynamo Kyiv striker Vladislav Supryaga, spoke about problems with the weight of his client.

Ivan Pirozhenko

“From a certain moment, Supryaga began to be “chased” for his weight. Once from Dynamo we received a message: "Do something with Vlad, he has recovered."

But Vlad is not so much getting better as he is getting swollen. Either from stress at Dynamo, or for some other reason, something in psychology is broken.

I can’t say that Supryaga eats a lot - no, he watches his diet, he has a nutritionist, he regularly donates blood. There is just some problem.

As a result, we argued with Vlad that I would lose my weight from 115 kg to 99 kg in two weeks. And I achieved it. For two weeks I sat only on the water and trained. As a result, I stepped on the scales and saw 99 kg. I have a photo. He just showed Vlad that everything is possible if you really want to. But it didn’t work - Supryaga still came to Sampdoria overweight, ”Pirozhenko said on the air of the TaToTake Youtube channel.

Recall that now Supryaga is out of the training process: the football player is undergoing rehabilitation after surgery on the hip joint, which he underwent in early August.

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  • Efim - Наставник
    31.08.2022 09:05
    Противно читать эту хрень ! Здоровяк за сто кило весом разводит мутные сопли про психологические проблемы своего подопечного , который хорошо ест , сладко спит — живёт на полном обеспечении клуба . Разводить подобную муть , когда у большинства людей реально стресс от войны , от страха за своих родных и близких , не говоря уже о тех , кто на передовой , — это , мягко говоря , с головой не лады !
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