“This Slovenian Jamaican scored quite well,” Artem Frankov about the newcomer to Dynamo

Well-known Ukrainian journalist Artem Frankov commented on the transfer of attacking midfielder of the Jamaican national team Kahim Parris to Dynamo Kyiv, which was officially announced yesterday.

Artem Frankov

“Well, he is like that — a Slovenian Jamaican, not insular and not too Caribbean. It’s been there for three years already, in the First League of Slovenia. For "Krka" (it is tempting to write the Krnk rifle, it was in service) he scored very well. Passed already from Koper.

Let's see. The nickname "Cavalier" suggests itself very much - in Jamaica, Parris played for the club with that name, ”Frankov wrote in his telegram channel.

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