Fans of Fenerbahce: Dynamo plays the most disgusting football in all of Europe

Turkish fans expected that Fenerbahce would be able to take revenge on Dynamo for the elimination from the Champions League and win confidently this time. Many hoped that the victory would be devastating, as Turkey is still laughing at the fact that Fenerbahce managed to lose to Dynamo, which then lost to Benfica without options, and then unsuccessfully started in the Ukrainian championship.


Therefore, the victory over Dynamo allowed Fenerbahce fans to breathe a sigh of relief and rejoice. Although the victory was not as convincing as everyone wanted, the Turkish club scored three points, and this was the main wish of the local fans.

Many Fenerbahce fans were shocked by Dynamo's performance. They believe that the Ukrainians feigned injuries, lay on the field for too long to play for time, but at the same time they themselves played excessively rough. Despite the fact that the selection turned out to be quite tough... In fact, Turkish fans wrote many much more unpleasant words about Dynamo, Lucescu, and the players. It is noticeable that they were very hurt by the defeat in the Champions League.

Ercan: Dynamo is a team of simulators. What disgusting football Mircea Lucescu makes them play. I'm glad we were able to make them suffer. Such teams should not play at this level at all.

Kardec: We have already played three matches with Dynamo this season and every time the situation on the field is repeated. The Ukrainians play to the end, they act excessively rudely, and all their tactics are the hope for an opponent's mistake. Jorge Jesus finally made the right conclusions and was able to beat Lucescu. But I would like to do it more calmly and confidently.

Yildirim: Referees again tried to help Dynamo win. Or at least play a draw. But this time, even the help of the referee did not help the Ukrainians. But in general, something needs to be done about it. The referees are so insolent that they whistle in favor of Dynamo on our field! Our federation must file a protest with UEFA. Europe must respect Turkey and Turkish football.

Ozdemir: It would be wrong if Dynamo played a draw again. This is an amazing team that plays football very badly, but sometimes they manage to win. Fenerbahce was stronger in all three matches, so it was very disappointing for me to be eliminated from the Champions League by Dynamo.

Akay: Lucescu decided that if he was able to pass Fenerbahce two months ago, then there is no point in changing anything? It can be understood, the person is already at a respectable age and forgot that the last time Dynamo played very badly and only a miracle helped them to go further. This time, the Ukrainians again played very badly, but there was no longer any miracle.

Enver: Until today, we have played 7 or 8 matches against Dynamo and have never been able to win. It was some kind of diabolical bad luck. As if someone cursed us. Suffice it to recall how the Ukrainians won, even when they played much worse. Fortunately, we were even able to deal with this. Because Fenerbahce is a great club.

Iregur: Dynamo is already a principal rival for Fenerbahce. To some extent, winning against them was even more important than Besiktas. I am glad that this time our team played all 90 minutes and did not give up. The victory was well-deserved, and the rest does not matter anymore.

Kadir: Fenerbahce beat sleepy Dynamo. The Ukrainians forgot to sleep before the match, so they decided to lie down on the field. For some reason, the arbitrator allowed them to do this. But all these tricks did not help Lucescu and his team in any way.

Isikli: Lucescu is a man with the soul of the devil. How can you force your team to play such disgusting football? For what? If you can't give anything to your club, if you don't have any ideas, then just retire, take a break from football.

Darnis: Dynamo plays the most disgusting football in all of Europe. Even clubs from small countries do not play so badly, they try to attack and are ready to lose, and not wallow on the field the whole match.

Cotuk: Dynamo disgraced all over Europe. If you don't know how to play football, don't play. But why do this? Don't referees have any instructions on how long one player can lie on the lawn? As far as I remember, FIFA and UEFA promised to severely punish malingerers. If you do not punish for such a game as Dynamo shows, then people simply will not watch matches with the participation of this club.

Muzafer: I hate Dynamo Kyiv. This is the most vile team in Europe. They know that they are much weaker than Fenerbahce, so they did not play football, but put on a real show, lying on the field. And Lucescu made them lie down longer. It just looked terrible. Dynamo should be disqualified for such a game. When there is only one simulator in the team, it is unpleasant. But when the whole team is like that, then it simply has no right to exist.

Hakverdi: Dynamo players need to quit football and go to the theater, I haven’t seen such simulators for a long time. They are excellent actors, portraying suffering and pain, and a minute later they were calmly running across the field. These fake injuries do not decorate football. Even if the coach makes them play this kind of football, do the players themselves have no pride, no self-respect? The whole of Europe is looking at you, and you are so disgraced.

Duz: Finally, something that everyone has been waiting for a long time has happened. Fenerbahce proved that he is stronger. It’s a pity that we didn’t manage to win devastatingly, but for this we have one more match against Dynamo.

Cetinbas: This time we were lucky. The Ukrainians were always lucky. They always played worse than Fenerbahce, but somehow managed to beat us. This time we were a little lucky, but still the victory is completely on the case.

bedis: How to stop laughing? Is this the formidable Dynamo that wept with happiness when it miraculously passed us in the Champions League? They lose to everyone in a row and look miserable. Why aren't they happy now?

Gungordu: Lucescu is long overdue for retirement. His whole tactic against any opponent is to play rough, feign injuries, play for time and stand on the defensive with the whole team. Lucescu has no fresh ideas, he is already hopelessly behind the way football is developing.

Yasar: We taught Dynamo a lesson. After an accidental victory in the last match, it seemed to the Ukrainians that they were stronger. But then everything became clear with them: the Austrians passed with big problems, lost to the Portuguese. I won't be surprised if they take the last place in our group.

Coscun: All 90 minutes, Dynamo players were lying on the field, trying to play for time and slow down the pace of the game. Was this Lucescu's plan for this match? If yes, then he simply confirmed once again that he is a very weak coach.

Kurt: Five defeats in the last five matches - this is the real level of Dynamo. As soon as their luck ran out, they immediately began to lose to everyone in a row. I won’t be surprised if their losing streak in all tournaments continues for another 5 matches.

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  • Виктор Насташенко(OneVi) - Наставник
    09.09.2022 15:47
    И я согласен с этим!!!Когда такой футбол приносил результат то его ещё можно было схавать выходя из того что главное результат...Но когда в результате 5 проигрышей подряд в сумме 13 пропустили 3 забили....То что это?Можно скулить и ныть сколько угодно,но пример у нас есть...и этот пример Шахтёр...В отличие от них у нас весь основной состав сохранился...Тренер тоже остался...А где игра??Положа руку на сердце неужели вы верите в то что мы бы могли на что-то надеяться в матче против Лейпцига в Германии?Показетелен пример когда Шахтёр пропустил и счёт сравнялся...Что бы в этой ситуации делалло Динамо?а вот что...Они бі прижались к своим воротам и пытались бы удержать ничью...А Шахтёр после пропушенного мяча побежал вперед,через 60 секунд забил ещё и в итоге выиграл 4:1...Они красавцы!!!потому-что не смотря не на что у них каждый человек,на любой должности делает всё ради клуба и для клуба!!!они все работают не покладая рук и не скулят про то что их игроки не видят своих семей и т.д Скоро Шахтёр станет народным клубом,а Динамо уже ассоциируется в Европе с АНТИФУТБОЛОМ!!!!!
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