Oleksandr Yaroslavskyi is suspected of tax evasion in particularly large amounts

The Bureau of Economic Security announced the discovery of two companies (one directly owned by a "famous Ukrainian businessman", the other indirectly) in a particularly large-scale tax evasion scheme.

Oleksandr Yaroslavskyi

According to Economic truth, it is about the companies of the owner of Kharkiv "Metalist" Oleksandr Yaroslavskyi.

"The officials of the mining industry enterprise during 2021-2022 documented the purchase of gaseous energy resources from the joint-stock company. As a result, almost 20 million hryvnias of tax was evaded," the report says.

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  • Иннокентий Разумовский(ajax76) - Старожил
    15.09.2022 22:01
    Ха-ха-ха, прозрели)))))...вашу мать, а откуда ж у него миллиарды долларов и он 3 в списке богачей и олигархов Украины???... неужели думали раньше, что бедный Владиленович все эти лярды заработал собственноручно за станком ХТЗ или Завода им.Малышева?)))
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