Officially. The matches of the national team of Ukraine will be broadcast on the air of the National telethon

UAF President Andriy Pavelko announced the official news about the broadcast of the September matches of the Ukrainian national team.


"For the first time, the matches of the national team of Ukraine (in the UEFA Nations League 2022/2023) against Scotland (September 21 and 27 at 21:45) and Armenia (September 24 at 16:00) will be broadcast on the air of the National Telethon! Thanks to UEFA, which free transferred the rights to show the matches, the Office of the President of Ukraine for assistance and the ICTV channel for organizing the broadcast! For those who will not be able to watch the telethon broadcast, the matches will be broadcast on the official YouTube channel of the Ukrainian Football Association.

Therefore, all fans in Ukraine will be able to freely watch these matches and support the main team near their TV screens and smartphones. We deliberately made this decision to organize the broadcasts of these games in order to make them as accessible as possible and, first of all, for our defending warriors, thanks to whose heroism the national team of Ukraine can continue to perform on the international stage. Oleksandr Petrakov's team is an honor, and all football players and coaches, especially now, are aware of this responsibility, to represent our country in European competitions. And they dedicate every match, every appearance on the field to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We are preparing to support the national team and continue to support our military every day! Glory to the heroes! Glory to the Armed Forces! Glory to Ukraine!" Pavelko wrote.

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