Mikhailichenko responded to Sobutsky's accusations

Oleksiy Mykhaylychenko, First Vice President of the UAF, commented on the statements addressed to the organization he represents by Oleg Sobutsky, head of the Veteran Football Association of Ukraine (AVFU).

Alexey Mikhailichenko. Photo — A.Popov

“The scandal provoked by Sobutsky is an attempt to maintain influence on veteran football by using some former football players. Not more than.

Sobutsky is not a veteran. Despite this, he allows himself to enter the field on a par with once-deserved people. This is a very telling example of disrespect for football for me. It is strange for me to watch how people who meant something to Ukrainian football today devalue themselves to such an extent that they become one team with this impostor.

I think that Sobutsky should apologize to the veterans and leave the Association alone. He used football for personal income. He placed the name of his company on the jerseys of the veteran team. His activities were based on provocations and deceit. We are seeing the same thing now. And the image of AVFU suffers, ”the edition quotes Mikhailichenko "Data".

Recall that recently the AVFU made a statement about the raider seizure of the organization by the leaders of the UAF - President Andrei Pavelko and First Vice President Anatoly Demyanenko.

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    18.09.2022 21:39
    Ай-да, лёсик, ай-да....))).... лёшенька отрабатывает свои 30 сребренников с предыханием и жаждой быть приобнятым павелкой!)))) Стыдобище! Есть такие буквы "ч", "м" и "о"....))))) сцуко, он и демьяненко, как никто знают, сколько своего бабла Собуцкий вкинул на разъезды сборной ветеранов, на их финподдержку, на их поляныи бухарест после матчей... Тьфу, михайличенская пидота...
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