Sergei Baltacha: "The news from the front certainly lifted the spirits of the players of the national team"

Former Dynamo footballer Serhiy Baltacha believes that the successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the frontline additionally motivate the players of the Ukrainian national team.

Sergey Baltacha

“Information coming from Ukraine indicates that the war is going well for them. The army is reclaiming many territories that were under Russian occupation. The news from the front definitely raised the mood of the national team players.

You can see what emotions they experience when they play for Ukraine. Their families and friends are suffering, it’s hard for the guys to survive, football is a secondary thing for now, but playing for the national team is a big motivation for them.

In Ukraine there is a saying "don't talk, but do". This is what the president and the military are now doing in the war,” Baltacha said in an interview with Inside the game.
