Ruslan Rotan: "I said from the very beginning that the national team is a priority"

The youth football team of Ukraine is two matches away from qualifying for the finals of the 2023 U21 European Championship. Ukraine finished second in its group and made it to the playoffs of the competition, where it faced the Slovakian team. Before the first match "Community Sports » spoke with Ruslan Rotan. The coach of the team talked about the importance of the matches, as well as the missing players in the team and the attitude to the games.

Ruslan Rotan

About the lineup for playoff matches and losses

"At the moment, we have what we have. Unfortunately, not all players have been collected, some are injured: first of all, goalkeeper [Ruslan] Nescheret and striker [Vladislav] Supryaga. As for Anatoly Trubin, he should reach us by the evening. So these are such small problems. But I think we shouldn't pay attention to that. We have to prepare as best as possible for the decisive matches and whoever we don't start, who doesn't come as a substitute, or [who doesn't play] in the next match. We have to think about how to get to Euro 2023."

About the absence of players due to a call-up to the national team

"Probably there is no need to push [due to the absence of some players due to the call-up to the national team] - we have the squad that is there. It is necessary to move on from this, there are situations. I have said from the very beginning that the national team is a priority. They will decide who to give to us. Therefore, we should not focus on this, we should think about the matches on the 23rd and 27th. Of course, at the moment we are very satisfied that they are playing in the national team and are playing very well. And they show that these are really players who deserve to be called up to the national team. Therefore, we are satisfied with them. And we will also strive for more players who are currently in the youth team to make it to the national team tomorrow."

About the readiness of the team, which gathered for the first time since June

"Time has passed - we didn't meet for three months. Every time it is a problem for us, because in the club each team plays according to its own scheme. Therefore, when we gather, we need to come to our style as soon as possible, remind the guys. It takes time, but these are our realities - we are ready for this."

About the Slovak national team

"First of all, the Slovakian team is very strong as a team. And her character. The results they pulled out show that there is a very good team there. And the character is at a very high level. The team will fight until the end and is determined. we understand that it will not be easy. Chances are 50/50 either way. This is a two-match strategy and in any case everything will be decided in the match in Poland.

I would also highlight our team - the guys are very friendly, it impresses me that they are charged with a single idea. They really want to get to the European World Cup, they are very serious. The first thing they are waiting for is the matches that will start from tomorrow."

About fan support and a home match in Poland

"We count on our fans. That's why we chose Poland, because we understood that now there are a lot of our citizens who are in Poland and we count on their support. But I would not focus on this: I think, in any case, the situation is such that the most important thing is that the match will take place. Even the fact that it will be held in Poland, we have to thank the Armed Forces, our soldiers, for the fact that the matches are taking place. We will strive to show a meaningful game and a result on our front."

