Ignatenko is the player of the match Armenia - Ukraine according to WhoScored and SofaScore

Portals WhoScored and SofaScore rated the game of the participants of the Nations League match Armenia - Ukraine - 0:5.

Daniel Ignatenko. Photo: G. Grigoryan

WhoScored rated Danila Ignatenko the highest - 9.5. SofaScore - Danila Ignatenko and Artem Dovbik - 8.8 each.

Ignatenko scored a goal in 90 minutes on the field, touched the ball 76 times, gave 53 accurate passes out of 60 (88%), including 2 key ones, created 1 scoring chance, made 3 shots on goal (1 accurate and 2 missed), spent 2 out of 2 successful dribbles, won 1 out of 2 aerial duel, earned 1 foul, blocked 1 shot, intercepted the ball 1 time and tacked it 6 times.

Dovbik scored a brace and made an assist in 24 minutes, made 3 shots on goal (2 accurate and 1 blocked), touched the ball 12 times, gave 4 accurate passes out of 7 (57%), including 1 key, and won 1 horse duel from 1.

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