"The referee adjusts the match to suit himself," the journalist told about bribes to referees in Ukrainian football

The famous journalist Roman Bebeh spoke in detail about the corruption of the referees in the championship of Ukraine.

Roman Bebekh

- There are several formats. The first is that the coach comes to the president of the club and says: "We need to make a budget for the referees." It's called Do Not Disturb. In a tied game, the referee decides 30% of the match. Somewhere he gave a penalty, somewhere a yellow. Therefore, we had and now have clubs that allocate a budget for referees.

The second format, when football players are given a bonus for a victory. For example, $3,000 each. They say: give one and a half thousand from each and we will motivate the referee. Certain people come up to him and say: if our team wins, you will get 50 thousand of something there - before 2014, these were crazy amounts. They reached up to 100 thousand dollars per match.

The third format - the referee is charged in the totalizer and he adapts the match to himself: the number of goals, penalties and so on. This format started to spread when there were fewer discounts and money got smaller. The arbitrators began looking for options, Bebech said.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    25.09.2022 18:38
    З цього приводу хотілось би почути керівництво УАФ та ПФЛ. Якщо промовчать, то певно і їм перепадає.
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