Seedorf: "In Europe, the possibilities of black coaches are seriously limited"

Former AC Milan player Clarence Seedorf spoke about the problem of employing black coaches in Europe.

Clarence Seedorf

"I do not consider Italy a racist country. I think that in 20 years I understood what Italy is. There are racists everywhere, but here is the racist system itself. It is difficult to explain why the coaches who came to Milan after me found teams in Italy, and I have not received a single offer in 20 years in this country. They tell me: "We don't want to offend you with this offer."

In Europe, opportunities for black coaches are severely limited. The first serious offer came to me from China. But it is disappointing that after the experience at Milan, in which I was successful, I am not being approached with offers," La Gazzetta dello Sport quoted Seedorf as saying.

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  • Vadim - Эксперт
    26.09.2022 11:35
    Рабів використовували всі , а не тільки Європа.
    В раби брали всіх , а не тільки африканців.
    Давайте встануть всі для всіх і нарешті закінчим цю тенденцію , щоб не перейшла в традицію!
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