Roman Zozulya: "10 years ago, I dreamed of earning 5 million euros to buy a house, an apartment, a car..."

Roman Zozulya, the former striker of Kyiv "Dynamo", "Dnipro" and the national team of Ukraine, announced on his Facebook page about fundraising for "football" Bayraktar.

Zozul's novel

"10 years ago, I dreamed of earning 5 million euros to buy a house, an apartment, a car, travel the world and not deny myself anything. But then I just didn't know what war was.

Today, I dream of collecting 5 million euros to buy one single bird that will destroy the evil that has invaded our land and deprived millions of Ukrainians of their dreams.

I know that everyone is tired of various meetings, but without your help we cannot do it. Every hryvnia and euro brings us closer to the goal. For those who do not have the opportunity to help financially, please help by reposting.

I believe that we can send another Bayraktar to our defenders, and they already know exactly in which direction to launch this bird to inflict maximum damage on the enemy," Zozulya wrote.

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  • Андрей Лазко(andrei39) - Эксперт
    26.09.2022 17:17
    Дякую, пане Романе, за все що робиш для України.
    За ці 10 років ти заробив набагато більше ніж грощі - ти заробив собі славу Людини - Патріота
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