Ihor Tsyganyk: "We can lose the European Championship"

The well-known journalist Ihor Tsyganyk is convinced that the loss of the decisive battle of the League of Nations to the Scots can play a cruel joke on the national team of Ukraine.

Igor Tsyganyk

"The match with Scotland was one of the most important matches, strategically important for the development of the entire national team of Ukraine. So we did not win this match and, in principle, we could hypothetically lose the European Championship.

Having lost the European Championship, we may lose a classy and bright generation of Ukrainian football players. This had to be explained to everyone. Those football players who went to the football field also had to understand it. There are some local tasks, and some are strategic. We lost all strategic challenges this year.

What is the national team of Ukraine? The national team is the main showcase. How many children will come to school to play football depends on the performances of the national team. That's how simple the pyramid is, it's elementary. Everyone always cares about their national team, because it is a showcase, success and patriotism. A father watches football with his son, and the son says: "Dad, I want to be there too." And he is led, given football, and then how the picture develops. There is no other method.

We flew past the World Cup. We lost the League of Nations and are now in the third basket, and if we had won, we would have been in the second. Now we can get a hypothetical top team," said Tsyganyk in an interview with Football Hub.
