Viktor Vatsko: "I heard that Shevchenko does not want to lead the UAF"

Commentator Viktor Vatsko said on the air of the "Vatsko on Air" program that Andriy Shevchenko, the former coach of the Ukrainian national team, is not going to be the president of the UAF.

Viktor Vatsko

"Andrii Shevchenko is the president of the UAF? I will answer this question like this: from several unrelated people who communicate with Shevchenko, I heard that he is not eager to lead the UAF. At the moment, the situation is as follows. That's all I can say about that question," Watzko said.

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  • Andrey Bogushevsky(bam73) - Эксперт
    03.10.2022 15:03
    Несколько странная логическая цепочка. Если люди от которых слышал Вацко связаны с ним, то фактически через него они связаны между собой.:-)))
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