Vikto Vacko: "I won't be surprised if the first matches of the Ukrainian national team in the qualification for Euro 2024 will b

Journalist Viktor Vatsko, on the air of Vatsko live, said that Oleksandr Petrakov could continue to work as a coach of the Ukrainian national team for several matches.

Viktor Vacko

“Petrakov will go to the Euro 2024 draw, and I won’t be surprised if the opening qualifying matches, which should be two in March, will be held by Alexander Petrakov. He will not refuse if asked. How he did not refuse last summer. They may ask to play two matches, realizing that another coach will come soon.

And it’s obvious to me that Serhiy Rebrov is the strongest Ukrainian coach right now. I am sure that Rebrov will be an authority for the players.

And interesting for the players in their approach to work,” Vacko said.
