Alexander Karavaev: “We play and show that we are strong and nothing can defeat us”

Dynamo football player Alexander Karavaev shared his thoughts on why the team started this season unsuccessfully in a commentary to AFP.

Alexander Karavaev. Photo:

“Physically, it is difficult, because we are on the road all the time, either by bus or by plane. In addition, we always have to return to Ukraine to play in the championship. These trips are exhausting. We use all possible types of recovery.

We understand that the current situation is such that many people are not up to football right now. However, we must play if we have the opportunity to do so.

We play and show that we are a Ukrainian club, that we are strong and nothing can defeat us," said Karavaev.

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  • СЕРГІЙ Крутий - Наставник
    06.10.2022 13:55
    Крім кіпріотів.
    Ну і Дніпра з Зорею.
    Ну і турків.
    Карочє, неважливо, ми -орли!
    • 3