Evgeny Levchenko: "Bloody Bastards"

A well-known football expert, former midfielder of the Ukrainian national team Yevgeny Levchenko on his Twitter page commented on the massive shelling of Ukraine by Russian troops on October 10.

Evgeniy Levchenko

“This morning, several cities, including Kyiv, were bombed by Russian missiles and kamikaze drones. Bloody bastards.

For those who still doubt Putin, for him this is not a special operation to help Ukraine. We are talking about the extermination of the people, the destruction of a different opinion, the seizure of land. Anything to boost your ego and stay in power.

Kyiv. Russian strikes to destroy civilians. No military installations. Purely to kill innocent people.

I just spoke with friends from Ukraine. There is no panic. Everyone understood that something similar could happen in response to the Crimean Bridge and after the appointment of a new Russian military butcher, Sergei Surovikin. This is another terrorist attack by the Russians,” Levchenko wrote.
