Mikolenko received one of the lowest ratings at Everton for the match against Manchester United

Everton defender Vitalia Mikolenko took part in the Premier League match with Manchester United.

Vitaly Mikolenko. Photo: gettyimages.com

Vitaliy Mykolenko spent all 90 minutes on the field. The defender received a score of 6.36 from the WhoScored portal. This is his worst performance of the season, before that it was 6.41 against Chelsea (0:1) and 6.38 against Leeds (1:1).

Goalkeeper Pickford played worse - 6.2, defender Cody - 6.1, midfielders Onan (6.2) and Gardner (6.1).

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  • Zuvad CR - Начинающий писатель
    10.10.2022 15:00
    Это не правда. Эта оценка четвертая в команде.
    • 2