Dynamo development director Maksym Radutskyi admitted how much the club earns from the performances of domestic artists.
"It's not even out of the question. We have not even discussed the terms of cooperation with any artist. Some symbolic per diems, payment for hotel accommodation and meals, flights and relocations - yes. Transporting machinery - yes. But there were no fees and no payments. There is no such artist who at least had time to think about it.
Many called themselves and asked what was next for us, and said they would come. These are Tina Karol, Jamala, Nastya Kamenskikh, Michelle Andrade, Nadia Dorofeeva, and Ruslana - the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, Verivka Choir, Inna Hrytsaenko, Kazka, Myata, Kateryna Pavlenko, and others. "Ocean Elsa" in Berlin in concert and even the world famous "Kadebostany" and Craig Eddy singing in Liverpool.
In addition to the artists, a technical team of 15-17 people traveled with me. Also, all without fees. These are directors, producers, directors. All without royalties, because we are doing a joint business," said Radutskyi.
И к тому же - постоянно врёт!
І хтось його туди найняв! І ось із того, хто найняв і треба питати...
Невже на сайті, не можуть знайти цікаву людину, зв'язану з футболом, а не цього мажора, для якого футбол - інтеграл.
П.С. Редакторів цього сайту прошу не приписувати мені пункт, що я вмішуюсь в вашу роботу - дійсно, вже обрид цей "динамівський"персонаж!
Шурик,завтра тоже пожалуйста не забудьте сново напомнить про его существование в клубе. Спасибо.
И к тому же - постоянно врёт!