Mark Degriz: "It's good that Yaremchuk was put on the bench"

The legendary Belgian striker Mark Degriz believes that the Ukrainian striker of Brugge Roman Yaremchuk is not ready to play in the main team of his team at the moment.

Mark DeGries

“It must be admitted that Yaremchuk has not yet become a reinforcement for Brugge. Take, for example, the recent match against Standard: in that game, the Ukrainian obviously did not keep up with the pace of the game.

So far, this is a problem only for Yaremchuk himself, and not for Brugge. But the effect of such an expensive acquisition should be clearly greater (Club Brugge bought Yaremchuk from Benfica for 16 million euros, which was a record transfer for the Belgian club — ed.).

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the Yutgla-Owl ligament is now operating very effectively. And this is also a problem for Yaremchuk on his way to the main team. In general, for now, one thing must be admitted: it’s good that Yaremchuk was put on the bench. He clearly needs time to become the Yaremchuk we knew in Gent. This will probably happen in the end, but time will tell when, ”the Belgian media quoted Degriz as saying.

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