Dynamo - Rennes: bookmaker's forecast. And again, the people of Kiev are not the favorites

On Thursday, October 13, the match of the 4th round of the Europa League group stage between Dynamo Kyiv and French Rennes will take place. The duel is nominally home for the Ukrainian team, but because of the war it will take place in Krakow, Poland. Bookmakers with their current quotes make it clear that they consider the French club to be the favorite of this match.

So, bets on the victory of Rennes in the upcoming meeting are now accepted with a coefficient of 1.80, while the same indicator for the success of Dynamo is immediately 4.70. The quote for a draw is 3.75.

Place a bet on the Dynamo match"- "Rennes" and You can collect a bonus in the amount of UAH 2,500 for registration from our partners right now.

The most expected result of the Dynamo-Rennes match, based on current quotes, is the victory of the French team with a score of 1:0. The coefficient for such an outcome is now 7.10.

The full ranking of the most likely results of the Dynamo-Rennes match based on current quotes is as follows:

Rennes win, 1:0 - coeff. 7.10

Draw, 1:1 - coeff. 7.20

Rennes win, 2:0 - coeff. 8.30

Rennes win, 2:1 - coeff. 8.40

Draw, 0:0 - coeff. 11.50

Dynamo victory, 1:0 - coeff. 12.00

Recall that the match of the 4th round of the group stage of the Europa League Dynamo - Rennes will take place tomorrow, October 13, in Krakow at the Cracovia Stadium named after Jozef Pilsudski. The start is at 19:45 Kyiv time.

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