Artem Frankov: "I no longer believe in the prospects of Dynamo leaving the group"

The editor-in-chief of the "Football" magazine, Artem Frankov, shared the forecast for the match of the 4th round of the Europa League "Dynamo" - "Rennes".

Artem Frankov

— I think that the match will end in a draw. I no longer believe in our prospects for exiting the group. The maximum is from third place in the Conference League. Of course, a victory would be a good result both in terms of psychology and points for the future, but so far, "Dynamo" has not shown anything that would allow us to count on a victory in the match against "Rennes".

I believe that the team has really changed for the better after the international break. First of all, the result in the championship of Ukraine speaks of this, but, unfortunately, in the European Cups, the team once again demonstrated the inability to maintain concentration throughout the match. And I would not reduce everything to a gross mistake by Denys Popov in the last minutes.

In short: I hope, believe and really want Dynamo to return to its level of play, but let's be realistic.

Boyka's injury? I think we'll be fine with that. "Rennes" plays effectively up front, but I would like our defenders to show themselves and not allow us to put a critical load on our goalkeeper. I hope that Nescheret will grab his chance and prove that he is at least no worse than the injured Boyko and Bushan.

By the way, usually, a large number of injured people is not just bad luck, but also incorrect training of football players, said Frankov.

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  • Igor Chernets(IngvarC) - Наставник
    12.10.2022 13:21
    После начала войны Динамо и Шахтер оказались в одинаковой ситуации из-за массового исхода легионеров. И все доморощенные эксперты в один голос предрекали крах Шахте и легкую победу в чемпионате Динамо. Что мы видим спустя 7 месяцев? Шахта играет на равных с прошлогодним победителем Лиги Чемпионов, а родное Динамо с нулем после трех туров в группе ЛЕ и не может обыграть даже кипрский АЕК. Занавес! Спасибо нашему "всезнающему и мудрому" президенту за менеджмент и, как следствие, за такой результат. Восторгаться победой над Рухом считаю неуместно. Забивали Буяльский и Тымчик. А Беседин снова "выполнил большой объем беговой работы".
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