"Shakhtar" is the base club of the Ukrainian national team," the journalist said

The host of the "TaToTake" show Mykhailo Spivakovsky spoke about Shakhtar's draw with "Real".

Mykhailo Spivakovskyi

"A week ago, I had to read comments like, "Are you all messed up there?! To criticize a purely Ukrainian team for the fact that it lost 1:2 away to the best club in the world? Someone forgot to take their pills!”

Ahtung! We do not analyze the score on the scoreboard. We analyze what is happening on the field. And Shakhtar was criticized only for the fact that he did not play in Madrid in the same way as today. After all, he could do it.

It's not that Ancelotti gave someone a rest before "El Clasico" (at "Shakhtar" on Sunday - also against "Dynamo"). The fact is that Jovicevich drew the right conclusions from a match in which his team, playing in a very closed manner, had to concede five or eight depending on the degree of fart and the atmospheric pressure.

More on the findings in the release. But in short:

a) Zubkov as a right winger gives the team more balance than Shved;

b) Traore in any condition is the best forward of SD;

c) "Shakhtar" stood up in a narrower block, competently protecting themselves in case of diagonal transfers;

d) Stepanenko did not go down the third center unnecessarily, blocking the transfer trajectories between the lines - this did not allow Real to press the hosts to their penalty area so easily;

e) "Shakhtar" finally started to win the fight (I'm sure that Weiskout will confirm this).

When a failed plan begins to fail, no one believes in the outcome. In an effective game system, each player begins to believe in himself. In this game, many jumped on the tips of other people's pencils. Zubkov played as if he had returned to the DUFL. Sudakov showed that we already have our Kroos. The cooper (forgive me Dasha) became a man so easily.

"Real" should not have saved. In adequate reality, he lost this match. In order to pull off such a game, someone's blood had to be shed, someone had to be sacrificed. Someone had to jump from the tower upside down. And such a person was found. If Martin McDonagh ever makes a sequel to "Lie Down in Bruges", let him invite Rüdiger. He will jump without a backup.

Well, and finally, the most important thing... With such a selection of players, Shakhtar is the base club of the Ukrainian national team at least in the World Cup 2026 selection cycle.

P.S. I apologize that there is no last name in this text that starts with "M" and ends with "k". Nothing personal - it's just that today there was a team on the field, not a mask for the main character," the journalist believes.

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