Vladyslav Vashchuk - about the "team of the Armed Forces of Ukraine": "There is a regulation..."

The ex-defender of Kyiv "Dynamo" Vladyslav Vashchuk commented on the idea of ​​creating a "ZSU team" in the championship of Ukraine.

Vladyslav Vashchuk

— The problem is not only in cheering "for" or "against", the problem is purely practical. There is also a regulation on how to get into the UPL. To begin with, you should play a season in an amateur league. Then win the second league, win the first and only then become a member of the UPL. If you forcibly take someone's place there or simply rename one of the clubs to "ZSU", then there will be a conflict.

The second is player selection. Who will play there? How will they fare against professional soccer players who dedicate every day of their lives to this sport and training? If you recruit professionals under the "ZSU" brand so that they show results, then the very essence of the name of this team is leveled.

The best and most logical thing would be to create such a team from the military to participate in exhibition matches. For this team to travel to all the cities of the country, participate in charity matches, collect money for children, to restore infrastructure, to rehabilitate the wounded. So, for the appearance of such a team, I am in favor with both hands, Vashchuk told the newspaper "Express".

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  • Микола Денисюк(Praktik) - Наставник
    12.10.2022 19:18
    Вперше погоджуюсь з Ващуком. Регламент ніхто не відміняв. А всілякі павелковські "хотєлки", щоб догодити нинішньому керівництву країни, викликають тільки сміх і не повагу.
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