Ruslan Malinovsky: "When there is no result, Petrakov gets very angry, and he does not like the press at this time"

Midfielder of Atalanta and the national team of Ukraine, Ruslan Malinovskyi, in an interview with the YouTube channel "Kyivskyi Tort", shared his thoughts on Oleksandr Petrakov's communication with journalists.

Ruslan Malinovskyi

— I am not familiar with Petrakov, why does he not get along with the press?

— You should ask him the question, not me. He always wants to win, but when there is no result, he can get very angry and the press is not up to him at this time.

But this is such a moment, you also have to learn how to behave with the press, because you have to give information after the game. I gave an interview - yes, it's unpleasant inside after the game, because I gave a lot of effort.
