"You have to sleep in the same room with him," the expert called Mudryk's main problem

The former director of the "Football 1/2/3" TV channels, Oleksandr Denisov, shared his thoughts on Shakhtar midfielder Mykhailo Mudryk.

Mykhailo Mudryk (photo: shakhtar.com)

- The sage has one problem - he is talented but still a child. De Dzerby became his first father-coach, and then Mykhailo began to grow. The situation with Jovichevich has not worsened - Mudryk feels very confident about him. But it seems to me that for a certain time you have to sleep in the same room with him, as they say about talents. This is how Krasnikov was everywhere with Tyson when he first arrived. Because Mudryk is still being formed as a person, Denisov said in the "Dangerous Transmission" program.

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  • Старый одессит(valik952) - Наставник
    15.10.2022 18:08
    Пенисов спишь с Палкиным, так спи!!! А пацану нехер ориентацию менять!!!
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