Ngolo Kante is out for four months

Chelsea have announced that midfielder N'Golo Kante has undergone surgery on the back of his thigh and will not return until mid-February.

N'Golo Kante, Getty Images

N'Golo Kante was on the verge of returning to the first team and was already training with the first team, but then, as Chelsea coach Graham Potter said, there was a relapse.

The relapse turned out to be so serious that it required surgery. Kante has already been operated on and now the Frenchman is starting a long course of rehabilitation.

"Together with the club's medical department, the midfielder visited a specialist to explore rehabilitation options and it was mutually agreed that Ngolo would undergo surgery to repair the damaged tissue.

The operation was a success and Ngolo is now expected to miss four months," the Blues said in a statement.
