Iran calls for exclusion of national team from 2022 World Cup

A group of Iranian football players and football figures demanded that FIFA remove the Iranian national team from participation in the final part of the 2022 World Cup, Iran International English reports.

Iran national team

The appeal refers to the need to remove the Iranian national team due to the cruelty in this country towards its own people. It also emphasizes that women are not allowed into stadiums in Iran, which is a violation of the FIFA code. Finally, the appeal says that several Iranian football players were persecuted by the state.

The letter also notes that in addition to the removal of the Iranian national team from the 2022 World Cup, FIFA should immediately suspend Iran's membership in the organization.

We add that at the 2022 World Cup, the Iranian team will play in the same group with England, Wales and the United States.

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  • - РОНИН -(ronin-za-dynamo) - Эксперт
    21.10.2022 11:15
    А интим с пуйлом - не причина отстранить сборную Ирана от ЧМ? Не для ФИФы, походу
    • 6