The international body on sanctions of the Russian Federation included Tymoshchuk in the list of persons against whom all countr

The international working group on sanctions against the Russian Federation presented a list of recommendations on sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Traitor of Ukraine Anatoly Tymoshchuk

The list contains the names of Russian propagandists, opinion leaders, artists who generate and distribute false narratives in accordance with the Kremlin's policy, laying the ideological foundation for the Russian war and hiding the war crimes committed, the official website of the President of Ukraine reports.

In total, the list included 166 people, and one of them was a traitor to Ukraine, former football player of the Ukrainian national football team Anatoly Tymoshchuk, who, no matter what happened, continues to work in the coaching staff of the Russian Zenit.

The international working group recommends that democratic countries around the world include in their sanctions lists those individuals who have so far avoided sanctions.

Recall that Tymoshchuk, who, with the start of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, not only did not terminate the contract with his Russian employer, but also did not voice his position on Russia’s relative military aggression, was deprived of his PRO coaching license in Ukraine, as well as all titles and awards. He is simply deleted from the history of Ukrainian football. In addition, Tymoshchuk was deprived of the title of honorary citizen of Lutsk, where he was born.

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