Information about tickets for the match AEK - Dynamo for Ukrainian fans

On Thursday, October 27, the match of the 5th round of the UEFA Europa League group stage between Dynamo Kyiv and Cypriot AEK will take place. It will be held at the AEK Arena in Larnaca and will start at 19.45 local time (19.45 Kyiv time).

We invite fans who can attend this match to support our team!

To do this, you need to make a preliminary application: tickets will be personalized and will only be sold to people who have applied and are on the relevant list.

The algorithm is the following:

1. Until Wednesday, October 26, 17:00, apply for a ticket to the guest sector using the link:

Important! All data must be filled in in Latin (as in a foreign passport).

All fields are required. The data on the ticket must match the document of the person going to the match.

2. Two hours before the start of the match, purchase your personalized ticket at a special point of sale for Ukrainian fans.

Location of the guest box office in the north of the stadium:
