Igor Jovichevich: “Iran has no place at the 2022 World Cup. This country is helping Russia to wage this brutal war and kill Ukra

Shakhtar Donetsk head coach Igor Jovicevich supported the initiative to exclude the Iranian national team from the 2022 World Cup participants.

Igor Jovichevich

“I agree with the opinion that the Iranian national team should be removed from the World Cup. Iran is helping Russia to wage this brutal war and kill Ukrainians. This is a difficult situation for us. And why should people in Iran rejoice and enjoy football when children die every day in Ukraine?

Iran has no place in this tournament. This is a step that must be taken. And I agree with our CEO. FIFA should think about it and make a decision," Jovićević said.

Let us recall that earlier, Shakhtar CEO Serhiy Palkin called on FIFA to exclude Iran from the 2022 World Cup and give the vacant seat to Ukraine. Such an initiative is connected with the fact that Iran supplies the Russian Federation with kamikaze drones, which almost daily strike at the cities of Ukraine and kill Ukrainians.

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