Mykhailo Mudryk: "Everyone believes that the most difficult match will be against Spain, but I think that it will also be agains

According to the results of the draw of the final part of Euro-2023 (U-21), the youth national team of Ukraine got into group B, where it will play with one of the hosts of the tournament, the team of Romania, as well as the national teams of Spain and Croatia. Midfielder Mykhailo Mudryk shared his impressions of the opponents at the group stage of the competition.

Mykhailo Mudryk

"At such a tournament, everyone can surprise, this also applies to our group. Everyone thinks that the most difficult match will be against Spain, but I think that both Romania and Croatia will be difficult. But I really hope that the main opening of the tournament will be the national team of Ukraine. We are not considered favorites, and that can play into our hands," Mudryk said.
