"In Moscow, stones were thrown at the bus of the Ukrainian national team, the fans were aggressive," - the director of the film

The director and producer of the film "Football Nation" Volodymyr Mula talked about one of the episodes of the film.

Volodymyr Mula

— The older you get, the more emotions are erased. But I clearly remember watching the Russia-Ukraine match with my father, Shevchenko Filimonov's goal in front of the whole country. By the way, we talk a lot about these moments in the film. Before working on the project, I did not know that the team had to stop at the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow for security reasons. Because stones were flying into the bus, and the fans were aggressive. All these details that we tell in the film - I didn't know them before or didn't pay attention to them, said Volodymyr.

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