The Minister of sports of the Russian Federation - about the "pivot towards Asia" after the exclusion of Russia from FIFA and UE

As already reported, the lapten-footed under-empire called "Russia" continues its steady path to exclusion from FIFA and UEFA. Recently, the government of this terrorist country agreed with the Russian Football Union (RFU) to include clubs from the occupied Ukrainian territories in Russian professional football. This step is guaranteed to lead to the fact that both FIFA and UEFA will give Rusna a savory pendel in the ass.

In view of such bright prospects, in Russia they are already discussing the future of their worthless football after being excluded from FIFA and UEFA.

Thus, the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Oleg Matytsin discussed the topic of a turn towards Asia in a situation of complete isolation in the world of football.

“Should we turn towards Asia if we are removed from FIFA and UEFA? We have never turned away from anyone to turn around, turn around.

I don’t think that you need to make a choice where to turn. We are also engaged in a constructive dialogue with Asian countries. In sports, we have said more than once that there are no unfriendly countries, we hold many open tournaments, we invite everyone, but everyone makes a decision in accordance with the political situation in their countries.

I think that in the end, both the international community and international federations will understand that they will lose a lot during this period of suspension for the development of their sports, the involvement of the media, the commercial component, including the popularization of sports in many countries," Matytsin bleated in a comment to TASS .

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  • Jivago Doktor - Наставник
    26.10.2022 09:50
    Тут или гугл-перевод с традиционными глюками, или у кого то другого глюки! Разворот в Азию разве решит радость изоляции? Разве ФИФА и все остальные ассоциации федераций не включают азиатские федерации и их региональные ассоциации наравне с УЕФА? Получается какой то бред! Ну а что "міжнародне співтовариство і міжнародні федерації зрозуміють, що вони втратять багато чого за цей період усунення" само собой разумется - они все потеряют десятки миллионов взяток и штрафов за тотальные допинги, но ничего не потеряют в спортивном плане! Все таки воздух станет значительно чище без оркостановского зловония!
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