"Dynamo" midfielder Mykola Shaparenko named the starting salary he received in the capital club.
— First salary — 1100. Spent on sneakers. This is the Nike Air Force. My father gave me money for my first U-19 contract. Helped me because I didn't have any. And when he signed the first contract with Mariupol, he said that he would pay for himself. My father gave me so much, he refused to help.
I did not have a desire to go out at night. I was getting paid, helping my parents. He gave half to his father, the other half to himself. Was rational about money. I didn't have a phone in Mariupol. I could buy myself a phone, boots, and other things with this money. He could provide for himself. And to go for a walk somewhere - there was no such thing, said the Dynamo native on the air of Vlady Sedan's YouTube channel.
А те що у нього з'явилося багато тату у юному віці - так йому дітей не треба було піднімати. Я гадаю, що грошей вистачало і на допомогу і на тату. А якби він зависав по нічним закладам, то ми про нього зараз вже навряд би щось чули, як про футболіста
Очень хочется, чтобы он таким и оставался вдальнейшем.
Коля, выздоравливай, потому что Динамо без тебя, ох как трудно и невесело!
Не спеши при выздоровлении - главное вылечить все травмы, а потом уже и футбол!
Удачи в выздоровлении!