Former "Karpat" and "Rukha" midfielder Volodymyr Sadokha told why, having received invitations from "Dynamo" and "Shakhtar" schools in his childhood, he chose a Donetsk native.
— "Dynamo" has more physical activity, everything depends on that. Shakhtar had more to do with the ball. To be honest, I didn't even want to go to the Donetsk club. For me, the "Carpathians" have been my number one dream since childhood. I lived for this team. But they offered to go on an excursion to Donetsk, to see the Shakhta base. And in childhood, the most important thing is to have good conditions, recovery, training fields so that progress can be made. I saw the conditions and was pleasantly shocked. I immediately said that I wanted to stay here.
At that time, there were almost no such conditions in the "Carpathians". We practiced on sawdust in the lower fields near the Ukraina stadium. Equipment was given to us only for the final part. And at Shakhtar it was great: everything you need. That's why I chose them, said Volodymyr.
Хто ж він такий, цей Садоха?
Володимир Садоха на даний момент виступає за футбольний клуб Карпати, і займає позицію: півзахисник.
В Карпати він перейшов із МФК Миколаїв у 2020 році.
Статистика і голи В.Садохи :
В цілому футболіст за поточний сезон забив голів - 0. Також, здійснив гольових пасів - 0.
За команду Карпати в сезоні 2022/2023, забив голів: 0, і виконав гольових передач: 0.
Як бачимо, Садоха, дуже "цінний гравець", якого ніхто не знає, але вирішив "засвітитися" на сайті у Шурика!
Скільки ж ще таких "садох" ми побачимо на динамівському сайті, щоб повоняти на клуб Динамо?
Честно, подсмотрел в "Википедии", я не помню такого футболиста!