The goalkeeper of the Polish national team suffered a terrible injury in the Serie A match "Verona" - "Spezia" (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The goalkeeper of the Polish national team and the Italian Spezia Bartlomiej Drongowski was seriously injured in yesterday's Serie A match with Verona (2:1).

Bartlomiej Drongowski gets injured

At the end of the first half of this meeting, the 25-year-old goalkeeper went to intercept the ball and, as a result of a collision with Udinese striker Kevin Lasagna, received a leg fracture in the ankle area. Drongowski left the football field and the stadium on a stretcher.

As a result, it turned out that the goalkeeper received not only a fracture, but also damage to the lateral group of ligaments. Now Drongowski will need a series of operations, he, of course, will miss the 2022 World Cup, and he will be able to return to training only six months later.

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