Ihor Tsyganyk: "It's hard for me to say why Kulach doesn't play"

Journalist Ihor Tsyganyk talked about the situation with Vladislav Kulach in "Dynamo" on the air of the "Tsyganyk Live" program.

Vladyslav Kulach

"It's hard for me to say why Kulach doesn't play. I think that in the match against "Colossus" he could have been released on the football field.

Sometimes in the behavior of the head coach of Dynamo there is a peculiarity that only he understood. Lucescu wanted to sign Kulac. He wanted this football player to be in Dynamo. He also knew him from working together in Shakhtar.

Maybe Kulach is not yet in shape, but looking at the way Besedin is playing now, I think that Kulach would be a significant reinforcement for Dynamo, Tsyganyk said.

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  • игорь сухов(omsdon) - Опытный писатель
    16.11.2022 17:32
    "... иногда в поведении главного тренера есть какая-то только ему понятная особенность.." конечно только ему и не только по Кулачу, а ещё и по Лонвейку и по Диалло и по Перрису , уже все болельщики спрашивают : - почему ? а тренер- прадед (это не оскорбление) сам себе на уме.
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